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Image by Pascal Meier


The National Kefir Association

 was founded in order to educate the public about the health benefits of Kefir, a yogurt-like drink that has been around for nearly 2,000 years. We want consumers to be aware of the significant health benefits associated with Kefir – most notably, improvement of digestive troubles and support for the immune system. 

These benefits come from the high level of live and active probiotic cultures found in Kefir (most Kefir contains around 10 probiotics). Kefir is also an excellent source of protein, calcium and fiber, which makes it especially nutritious for children and women. 

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National Kefir Association has stringent standards with regards to products it deems kefir. 

Kefir must contain:

•  a dairy base
•  at least 7 billion units of activity per cup
•  the following cultures: 

    Lactobacillius Lactis
    Lactobacillus Rhamnosus
    Streptococcus Diacetylactis

    Lactobacillus Plantarum
    Lactobacillius Casei
    Saccharomyces Florentinus
    Leuconostoc Cremoris
    Bifidobacterium Longum
    Bifidobacterium Breve 
    Lactobacillus Acidophilus

National Kefir Association has stringent standards with regards to products it deems kefir. 

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Kefir can only be produced from dairy. Contrary to what some believe, Kefir CANNOT be made out of non dairy bases such as water, fruit juices, teas, and coconut water. There is no such accepted definition as “dairy-free Kefir.”
The National Kefir Association will be involved in promoting the public awareness of Kefir and ensuring that consumers know what Kefir is, what it can do for your health and where you can find it for sale.

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